
youth camp~

This Friday, I went to Port Dickson~Youth Camp, of course~
It's for..Three days two night....

First Day....
8:00 my mom fetch me to church....
and slowly, many ppl go to church liao lo~
11 gua, we go to pd liao lo~
Aiyo, then the most important is the game at night...
So happy~ And I have a t shirt from church liao lo~

2 night from 10pm play until 12:40 like that.....
Then the next day want to wake up at 6:30am~
So tired~
Our 'pig zhang' is so tekun~
then our' fu pig zhang' didn't play...
because all the games he want to think it and do it...
so our team didn't have a 'pig yuan'
wish u know what i'm writing...
oh, actually also no people want to see my blog~Haha~

YG, fighting!
Matthew, Gambateh!
haha......mom want me to sleep liao lo...
so, good night...

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