

I now baru noe that biasanya tak ada people nak tengok blog aku.......
write only for myself....

2moro didn't have skul....
today is the first day exam....
although its juz seni.....
but I didn't 满意 my seni....
conclusion is: don't campur kind of colour.....
2moro wesak....
heard from my grandmom
say they already holiday!!!
Damn it!
If I at Sibu got how good..........
Everyday holiday,
there got astro, got my grandparents.....
but if my mom or dad saw this post, they will scold me....
so scared of my mom~~XD

Still haven't know can go port dickson or not....
I wanna go but no friends that I very know....
My mom not every week fetch me to church....
I also know my mom very tired after work....
But still want to fetch me.....

Watching X-family....
Then watch DBSK's Banjun Drama....
Now watching/hearing rising sun and 'O' from DBSK....
But still very exited after heard from my fren that Fahrenheit is going to have a new album~ XD
Waiting....waiting for their new drama....
Sejak after finish K.O 3anguo....
Boring betul lah~
Still wish Xiu can have new drama.....

Now is our SMK Putra Perdana's exam~
Is it got Love Exam??
Got a friend is Libra, that is same with me....
She say: 'why u so care for him?' when she want to pukul(or play) the boys(not only one)then I will want her to let them go....
I've saw a news that say Libra: Don't let friendship become Love....
I didn't like or love him, just selalu think from their heart....
If got ppl koyak or pukul me, how do I think??
Then she say to me:'Is it u like him, too?' She jealous or what....I want an answer
I've said, the ppl that I like is that guy, is she already know, then why she keep talking about the another guy that she like then she say I like him?
He is my brother ok?? So I'm her sister! I didn't 认为 he is my lover!?
But! She already guess betul who I like, but...
She don't want to tell me who she like....
So 艰难 one love exam....
Wish after exam over, this will also over.....
Good night, I want to sleep~

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