


now i like u-kiss because of ss501~
so handsome and cute~especially kibum~~
juz bcaz of ss501's kim hyung jun~~
i noe nobody want to see my blog~
type for happy~




This holiday already gone~~with a 'whew~~'
I've saw my fren's blog just now...
She say that she didn't like to memorise her trip in penang again because a couple...
Really I didn't seen before a couple that can let people"bling!"

2moro 9:15 want go church....
Sien dao bao!!
Do two ppl...
One is 赌徒....
Another is....黑社会...
I sendiri rasa i can't do it...
okok lah...
2moro gambateh!!


You know~

You know, just now I've read my fren's blog...
I saw that she hate our skul teacher...
Hahaha, of course!
No gel, no long hair but didn't tie, no liquid, no marker, no mp3, no handphone, no short skirt, no jeans, no other colour belt...
So many "NO!"
Then now teacher say:"zero fighting! zero ponteng! zero...forgot liao ==
Only sien then type lah...haha

A Dream~

Today, I have a good dream~~
I go to a shopping mall(but i didn't memorise)
With many girls(my frew)
Then when we go out of the shopping mall,
My many frew don't want to go out...
Only me want to go out...
I don't know why lar...
Then I pull a fren go out of the shopping mall...
Outside of the shopping mall didn't have any weird things but inside the shopping mall so weird..
Those people that stay in the shopping mall like gila already...
They don't want to go out...
When I go in, got a feel, a strange feel...
I'm so afraid...
Then, after go out the shopping mall, with my fren,
She suddenly 'woke up'
She ask me what happened...
Then we run and run,
I ask my fren, where is my cousin's shop(I really forgot what i'm saying)
My fren point at a 'row' of shop...
Then we run to A shop and I found my cousin(I didn't memorise his face, though)
Then I tell my cousin what happen just now in the shopping mall...
My cousin say maybe there got a bad thing, then he wants us to go back there again...
So scared...
At there I saw all my frew are sitting on a row of chairs...
My cousin want to go in but I say I go(So BRAVE!)
Then when I go inside, a people call me don't sit wit my frew~~
I forgot because(or maybe)I woke up..
I only remember the "cousin" is so~handsome....
That's all,
God Bless You!


youth camp~

This Friday, I went to Port Dickson~Youth Camp, of course~
It's for..Three days two night....

First Day....
8:00 my mom fetch me to church....
and slowly, many ppl go to church liao lo~
11 gua, we go to pd liao lo~
Aiyo, then the most important is the game at night...
So happy~ And I have a t shirt from church liao lo~

2 night from 10pm play until 12:40 like that.....
Then the next day want to wake up at 6:30am~
So tired~
Our 'pig zhang' is so tekun~
then our' fu pig zhang' didn't play...
because all the games he want to think it and do it...
so our team didn't have a 'pig yuan'
wish u know what i'm writing...
oh, actually also no people want to see my blog~Haha~

YG, fighting!
Matthew, Gambateh!
haha......mom want me to sleep liao lo...
so, good night...