

Me, Yin, OZ, Susan, Oz's brother, Oz'mother, Yin's mother, Yin's sister went to sungei wang...
How to go?
With monorel...
One way RM1.60...
Ok lah...
The first time sit monorel...
Go sungei wang for whaaattt?
See cosplay...
6th floor...
Go to 6th floor with whattt?
Lift, of course...
Saw so many teams...
Their costume is sooo ggoood....
About 4.30pm
Parents say go home...
I sit Yin's car...
Yin want to buy write shirt...
Susan sit Oz's car...
Susan also want to buy write shirt...
So she change car...
Then we go IOI for my Bonamana and for Oz's birthday present...
So sad I didnt found my Miinah..T.T
Then me and yin gabung buy a present to herrrr...
About 7.20 I reach home lor...
Juz Like That...
Thats 4 all



Bah! About SJ and DBSK again...

We "fight" again in Fan's voting page...
A cassie complained:"Don't let ELFs come to our page and disturb us!"
But she didn't say WHO is it...
A unnie ELF says:"Who is it..." Nobody replies...
Another ELF says:"Tell us, ELF is a family too..." Nobody replies again...
All the ELF don't know who is it, me too...
The disturbing "ELF" keep typing chinese and korean...
In our voting page, nobody chat in chinese, korean, or other languages...
We just chat with english...
Then, an ELF unnie go to apologize...
They(cassies) say:"Just ignore her, keep voting and don't be disturbed"
I was very sad...We just want to apologize...
Although the disturbing people is not ELF, we don't know...
I'm very dissapointed with cass...
A cassies come to comment again...
Our ELF also say:"Just ignore her"
I shocked...
Why did cass and ELF everytime fight?
Why they cannot become a Big Family?
Super Junior and Dong Bang Shin Ki also from SM mah!
Why their fans like to fight?
Because I'm a cass and an ELF...
Sometimes I can't accept...
This is the second time sad because of ELFs and Cassies!!
Who can help me...
T.T -----------------END------------------